Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Seed Without a Label

“Try to see your child as a. Your job is to provide the right environment and nutrients and to pull the weeds. You can’t decide what kind of flower you’ll get or in which season it will bloom.” When we are open to the differences in our children, we’ll give them the soil they need to flourish.

This little piece from “The Blessings of a Skinned Knee” really stuck out to me today. In my journey of fatherhood, there has been a lot of trial and error. Trying over and over to figure out my kids. How much do I feed them? Are they getting too much TV time? What is the best school? Etc…Etc…Etc!! Basically, finding a way to mold them, so that by the time they get into college they are prefect. Now, I haven’t read this whole book yet, but I am really enjoying it. It shines a pretty big spotlight on us parents and shows how society today is messing up our kids. The pressure to succeed, conform to social standards, and eliminating the word average. Either your kid is perfect or has some sort of learning disorder. My son Micah has some speak issues, so I know disorders are very real, but I see myself expecting him and my daughter to strive to be the best. Is it pride or fear of the future, I don’t know. But, what I am reading is that this pressure can cause some serious harm to my child and myself. Even over this past month, I have been dealing with a really bad case of hives caused by stress. I’m not sure what part of my life is causing me to break out, but it has not been fun. Maybe this is just God's way to force me to alleviate  unnecessary pressure in my life. Loosen my grip, so that he can lead. We can’t pick the seed, but I pray that He can help me make some amazing soil. 

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