Monday, February 8, 2016

3 Tips to Cook Less Stressed

I love to cook! If I could be alone in a kitchen with some amazing ingredients and good music, I would be set! But, with two kids and a small house that will never happen. As a parent, the kitchen often turns into a burden more then a place of inspiration. We scramble to fix dinner after a long day of work, kids' practices, and appointments. The last thing we want to do is think about cooking or the dishes that follow.

Here are a few tips that have helped me be less overwhelm and have brought back the joy in cooking. 

1) Make one meal. Stop saying to yourself that your kid only eats mac 'n cheese and go out of your way to make a custom meal. It is your job to make the food and it is their job to eat it. A 6 year will not starve himself. If they are hungry, they will eat. 

2) Learn how to time your cooking. How long do it take to boil water? How long does it take to cook Chicken? When should I heat the sauce? Once you start figuring out how long things take to cook, it is really easy to start multi-tasking. You can develop an order to your cooking and when tasks start to overlap, you don't have to waste precious time prepping the meal. 

3) Clean as you go. I am still not great at this, but if you can take care of a few dishes before you eat, that is less energy needed later in the night.

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