I have to say that my kids are pretty good eaters and we have my cousin Sarah to thank! She gave my wife and I an amazing book before our first child was born called Child of Mine. Feeding with Love and Good Sense by Ellyn Satter. It states, "As a parent, it is your job to make the food and it is the child's job to eat it." Think about it. We teach our kids not to touch sharp objects or push other kids. But, when it comes to food, education goes out the window. How can you say that your kids don't like peppers simple because the first time they ate them, they spit it out? They don't know what they like and don't like. They need to get used to different flavors and textures that food has to offer. Plus, sometimes we just don't feel like eating something. Young kids go through what I call culinary mood swings throughout the year. Have you ever said, "My kid wont eat carrots anymore" and then stop feeding them to him or her?
Start here: Take a vegetable that your child hates, like carrots. Then, for a month, put 2 baby carrots on their plate during lunch. Most days they may not eat it and maybe some days they will. The one thing that has worked for us is if they ask for chips or more juice, we say "Sure, but after you eat your carrots." No Carrots, No Chips. Its important to note that you are not forcing the carrot on them, but you are giving them a choice. During this process they have no idea that they are slowly getting used to the taste of carrots, possibly even to the point that they will ask for them for as a snack!